3. January 2018 13:10
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In our ongoing drive for customer satisfaction, we’re adding new features to Vantage at a great pace. Adding to our growing list of supported payment providers, we have integrated Stripe into Vantage, so that you won’t need to bother with the headaches of choosing a payment gateway and a merchant processor.
We understand that a lot of sales and clients come directly to your website so we want to give them a great experience without you having to worry about payment processing issues.Traditional card payment providers often charge a monthly fee in addition to a percentage of your transactions, and your bank may charge you too. All these costs can significantly impact your profit margin.

Stripe takes a simpler approach: for businesses taking less than $1 million they charge a flat rate of 2.9% + 30¢ per successful sale, with no monthly fee. Stripe also safely and securely handles your customer's card data by only communicating directly with Stripe's servers, freeing you from security and PCI compliance concerns.
Another excellent advantage of Stripe is its data portability. Imagine you've built a successful membership site over the years, and you powered it with PayPal subscriptions. If you want to move to another payment processor (like Stripe), you can't transfer that credit card data. PayPal simply won't give it you. All your existing customers would have to sign up again and you'd probably lose some of them during the process.

Remember, unlike other EPOS providers, when you use Vantage to receive internet orders from your customers we take 0% comission and we don't hold your money - all of your sales go directly to you!